In our ongoing efforts to help agents and advisers raise consumer awareness in long-term care planning Broadtower Insurance Solutions and Genworth Financial are pleased to provide Producer Assist to its valued distribution partners on a national basis. This cutting-edge program is designed to assist insurance advisors and their clients in choosing the most suitable planning […]
Archives for 2015
LTCi Underwriting: Take The Pledge!
Vigilance is in order! Declines, NTOs and Withdrawn applications are ‘killing the goose that laid the golden egg’ – placement ratios are the life blood of our long-term care insurance business. Bonus dollars are critically important to all of us, and they are now in peril! We all know: There is nothing easy about the […]
Profitable LTC Insurance Sales
Traditional long-term care insurance placement rates have plummeted over the past 18 months due to more rigorous underwriting requirements. Declines on one spouse or the other and policies issued at rate classes greater than applied for have caused a spike in policies not taken or accepted by one or both of the insureds. The consequence […]
Lest We Forget…
Recognizing the pressing need to increase long-term care insurance sales, our focus has turned away from “the date” that brought many of us to the dance. Bright shiny objects such as linked, hybrid and combo products, while adding to the consumer’s long-term care planning choices, has also created a bit of a muddle. The desire […]
So Many Choices, So Much Confusion
The expanding universe of alternatives for leveraging chronic illness (long term care) risk is creating considerable confusion, marketing hyperbole, and attempts at stress avoidance in a quest for easy answers. In order to achieve clarity, two important historical notes need to be made. Download Article Here
John Hancock Introduces Performance LTC, A New Approach To LTCI
NEW Performance LTC – A New Approach to Long-Term Care Insurance. John Hancock is pleased to introduce Performance LTC™ – our newest long-term care insurance product. Performance LTC offers the most competitively-priced premiums on the market today, along with flexible features and options that will give your clients greater control over their premiums and benefits. For […]
Mutual Of Omaha’s LTCI Portfolio To Launch In California
Mutual of Omaha is excited to announce a new long-term care insurance portfolio, MutualCare® Solutions. This portfolio will be able to support you and your LTCi sales and address the needs of the changing LTCi marketplace. Look for MutualCare® Solutions to have new pricing strategies and various packaging; which will continue to support this valuable […]
Transamerica Announces Changes To Its LTCI Benefit Increase Options
As you know, Transamerica LTC is committed to the long term care market. We believe that providing stand-alone long term care products represents a key element of any solid financial plan. Transamerica LTC will continue to manage our products and offerings to help ensure their long term sustainability and maintain our position as a leader […]
The Top-10 Reasons That You Made The Right Decision To Attend The Broadtower Insurance Solutions 2015 Distributors Summit In Colorado Springs
March 20-22, 2015 Broadmoor Hotel and Resort in Colorado Springs Meet and learn from top decision makers and thought leaders from Genworth, John Hancock, LifeSecure and Transamerica; Discover why the best days of long-term care planning are ahead of us. Attend and participate in a lively, entertaining and informative panel discussion on traditional and linked […]
Stochastic Health And Long Term Care Cost
Insurance is all about planning and staying ahead. Ron Hagelman take on the matter was published in the February issue of Broker World titled ‘Stochastic Health And Long Term Care Cost’ where Ron dives into his last words on LTCI. Click Here to Read Article
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