Genworth debuts new medically underwritten immediate annuity. Too often, I receive a phone call asking about Long Term Care solutions for an individual that failed to put a Long Term Care plan in place when they were still insurable. The client is typically 75+ and is on the verge of needing care immediately. Typical impairments […]
Corporate News
One Sale, Double The Coverage
Looking for a life-based long term care product that can cover two people under one policy? Sometimes clients are unsure whether or not they need protection – and may want to cover their spouse instead. Kill two birds with one stone with a joint life product, which not only protects your client and his/her spouse, […]
Guaranteed Level Premiums For LTCi
The LTCi marketplace offers a way to structure premiums with guaranteed, non-cancelable premiums that are level for the life of the policy holder – all for an affordable cost.
NGL Long-Term Care Insurance BGA Appointment Update
National Guardian Life Insurance Company (NGL), in partnership with LifeCare Assurance Company, is excited to introduce EssentialLTC, a unique new LTCi product. NGL is an A- (Excellent) A.M. best rated mutual insurance company with over 100 years of offering high-quality, customer focused insurance products. LifeCare Assurance has developed, launched, and administered long term care insurance […]
Controlled Executive Bonus With Long Term Care Benefits
A Controlled Executive Bonus Plan, also known as a Restrictive Executive Bonus, or Section 162 plan, is an agreement between an employer and its key employee(s) to provide a death benefit, supplemental income, and now includes long-term care benefits. The employee applies for and owns the life insurance policy, with the right to designate the […]
A Pocket Guide To The Myriad Of LTC Funding Options
Research shows that most clients value three distinct priorities in creating a plan to address long-term care costs: Flexibility Protecting and growing their portfolio Minimizing the impact of care on their family Identifying your clients’ top priority and primary concern will help you implement the right strategy and solution to plan for their long-term care […]
Standalone Long-Term Care: Is Now The Time For Reinsurers To Enter?
The LTCi industry has changed drastically the past few years. Carriers have continued to launch new product, but now based off more conservative pricing models that account for lower interest rates, higher claims, and close to a zero lapse rate. Many may view the recent volatility within the traditional LTC market as a cause for […]
Stochastic Health And Long Term Care Cost
Insurance is all about planning and staying ahead. Ron Hagelman take on the matter was published in the February issue of Broker World titled ‘Stochastic Health And Long Term Care Cost’ where Ron dives into his last words on LTCI. Click Here to Read Article
Introducing Broadtower Insurance Solutions Inc.
Newport Beach, CA. July 14, 2014 Broadtower Insurance Solutions Inc. –, a National Marketing Organization (“NMO”) based in Newport Beach, California is focused on delivering comprehensive traditional and asset based long term care solutions through a network of more than 80 distribution partners representing thousands of insurance professionals across the nation. Broadtower provides members […]
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