NGL EssentialLTC offers many great benefits and features that sets it aside from most LTCi products. Two of our favorite features are the Lifetime Benefit Period Extension and Shared Benefit Amount Riders.
Lifetime Benefit Period Extension Rider
If your clients are concerned about a long claim duration, lifetime benefits could be appealing.
The Lifetime Benefit Period Extension Rider can provide benefits that will continue for the remainder of the insured’s life while on a claim.
Shared Benefit Amount Rider
Couples who ask about potentially running out of benefits, could find the Shared Benefit Amount Rider to be a cost-effective solution to provide additional coverage.
With the Shared Benefit Amount Rider, if either or both insureds exhaust their own Benefit Amount, a joint Shared Benefit amount will become accessible to either of both insureds.
These and other riders can be found in the Sales Guide on the Agent Resource Center under Reference Guides in the Sales & Marketing dropdown. Consider NGL EssentialLTC for your next sale!
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