“I know many of you have visions of a Grandmother or Aunt who wore one of those shapeless amorphous sack dresses. They covered a world of sins and no one really wanted to know exactly what was going on underneath. What we were sure of was that nothing really risky was ever going to see […]
Remedial Math
“I strongly suspect that it’s not just death and taxes that Americans accept as inevitable. I believe there is a general cultural consensus that as we near the end of the journey there will be an inordinate level of expense and that it will have something to do with our declining health. Unfortunately, it does […]
Just Say No
“I have always been impressed by the single minded purpose and passion of our dwindling cadre of LTCI specialists. To my knowledge no one has stayed as laser focused and dedicated to basic reason, sometimes painful truths and necessary reform of the long term care financing conundrum as Stephen A. Moses, president of the Center […]
The Point
“Making the point is of course the mission of this column. I’m sure some would suggest I’ve simply kept attempting to make the same point over and over without sympathy, empathy or remorse for my similarly unrepentant long term care friends that read this column. Therefore one more time: The point remains we are facing […]
“Time worn clichés do have a way of appearing on a regular basis in this column. I am only marginally contrite but I do apologize. It’s just the convenience of immediately defining exactly the concept you are trying to illuminate. “Timing is everything!“ As a consultant to insurance companies since 1988 and a veteran of […]
Don’t cry for me Argentina. The truth is I never left you. All through my wild days my mad existence I kept my promise, don’t keep your distance. I guess it just seems too many appear to have somehow wandered off, lost purpose, ignored urgency and abandoned focus. Even though stand-alone LTCI sales have experienced […]
Armatures, Bricks and Firewalls
“I am perpetually amazed at the degree of cognitive dissonance stirred up in my own mind every time I ask myself this most basic rhetorical question: How can anyone in their right mind ignore the probability of an expensive and extensive need for care? The absolute unvarnished truth is that no matter how well you […]
Secure Your NGL Contract With Broadtower TODAY
As a reminder, for those of you who have requested or completed contracting with NGL already, you must complete the NGL-Broadtower form at the button below to ensure your production is bonus eligible through Broadtower’s compensation program. Broadtower & NGL Life Declaration Form For those of you who haven’t requested contracting, please complete and submit […]
Stochastic Health And Long Term Care Cost
Insurance is all about planning and staying ahead. Ron Hagelman take on the matter was published in the February issue of Broker World titled ‘Stochastic Health And Long Term Care Cost’ where Ron dives into his last words on LTCI. Click Here to Read Article
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